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Saturday, November 24, 2012

This Person Needs an Education

I just read an editorial by someone in Tennessee.  There was no byline, so I don't know who wrote it, let alone whether it was a man or a woman.

The gist of the article is this person's outrage that tax money, all of $80,000, is going to support a quilt museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  The contention is that quilting is passé and no one cares.

Obviously, they have not been to a hobby store lately, especially something like a Joann's or any quilting shop, and has no idea what textile arts are and who practices those arts.  Just because this person probably finds these activities a waste of time, everyone else should also.  I actually think I feel sorry for someone who has no thought to respect the time and trouble it took to make these masterpieces.

Take a look.  Most of the comments were outraged at the editorial.