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Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Meeting

Merry Christmas!  Happy Hannukah! Happy Kwanzaa! (Did I miss any?  My apologies.)  Anyway--Happy Holidays!

The Guild held its December meeting last night at Slater Mill.  We had a little trouble getting in when the Mill people didn't hear us pounding on the door, but we got inside in time to beat the rains that poured the entire time we were meeting.  Luckily, the rains stopped just before we left for the evening.

We had a great time at our Holiday Potluck supper.  There was plenty of food to share, stories to tell and lots of camaraderie.  Barbara's meat pie was a real hit with everyone, as was the stromboli.  There was shrimp, veggies and dip, baked beans, chicken stir fry, cakes and cream puffs and much, much more.  After supper, people got to pick gifts from a Secret Santa stash on the front table.  Gifts ranged from books to supplies to fat quarters and gift certificates.  Everyone walked away happy.

Business was handled quickly and easily.  The Quilt Show for 2011 now has a full roster of committee chairs.  Be prepared for calls to action!  This blog was also introduced to the membership.  Daphne will send out the address to everyone so people can check in and contribute, if they wish.  We then had a Show-and-Tell. Several people shared their crafting gifts.

I'll post some of the photos I took last night, but I have to set some criteria first. 

If you have anything you would like to contribute to the discussion here, please let me know.  I have to 'allow' you to publish first.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Welcome to the new blog for the Industrial Revolution Quilt Guild!

We hope to see many posts and comments from our members.